I just realized that after 10 days it's Christmas! For me it's quite hard to believe it because you know, I come from Northern Europe where good Christmas are with snow. Here, in Portugal, everything is green (better than in summer I would say), we pick oranges from our trees and sometimes when it's sunny, it's possible to be outside just with a T-shirt!
Anyway, this time I introduce very briefly typical Portuguese Christmas dishes, including main course, desserts and also drinks.
Eu só percebi que após 10 dias é Natal! Para mim é muito difícil de acreditar, porque você sabe, eu venho do norte da Europa onde boas Natal são com neve. Aqui, em Portugal, tudo é verde (melhor do que no verão eu diria), nós escolhemos laranjas em nossas árvores e, por vezes, quando está sol, é possível estar fora apenas com uma t-shirt!
De qualquer forma, desta vez eu introduzo brevemente pratos típicos portugueses de Natal, incluindo prato principais, sobremesas e bebidas também.
Main courses / pratos principais
- bacalhau – codfish in every form (for example bacalhau com natas)
- polvo cozido - boiled octopus
- Perú Recheado com Nozes - turkey stuffed with walnuts
- borrego assado - roasted lamb
- cabrito assado - roasted goat
Desserts / sobremesas
- Bolo Rei (King Cake) - a beautifully decorated fluffy fruitcake
- Bolo-Rei Escangalhado (Broken King Cake)- it is like the first one, but has also cinnamon and chilacayote jam (doce de gila)
- Bolo-Rei de Chocolate (Chocolate King Cake) - it is like the King Cake, but only has chilacayote jam, nuts, raisins and less (or no) fruit, which is replaced by lots of chocolate chips
- Bolo-Rainha (Queen Cake) - similar to Bolo-Rei, but with only nuts, raisins and almonds
- Bolo-Rei de Chocolate - it is like the Bolo-Rei, but has less (or no) fruit, nuts, chilacayote jam and lots of chocolate chips
- broa castelar - a small, soft and thin cake made of sweet potato and orange
- fatias douradas - golden slices, known as french toast - slices of pan bread, soaked in egg with sugar, fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon
- rabanadas - they are like fatias douradas, but made with common bread
- formigos - a delicious dessert made with sugar, eggs, pieces of bread, almonds, port wine and powdered with cinnamon
- filhoses - depending on the region, the may be thin or fluffy pieces of a fried dough made of eggs, honey, orange, lemon, flour and anise, sprinkled - or not with icing sugar
- coscorões - thin squares of a fried orange flavoured dough
- azevias de grão, batata-doce ou gila - deep fried thin dough pastries filled with a delicious cream made of chickpea, sweet potato or chilacayote, powdered with sugar and cinnamon
- tarte de amêndoa - almond pie
- tronco de Natal - Christmas log - a delicious Swiss roll, resembling a tree's trunk, filled with chocolate cream, decorated with chocolate and mini - 2 cm Christmas trees
- lampreia de ovos - a sweet made of eggs, well decorated
- sonhos - an orange flavoured fried yeast dough, powdered with icing sugar
- velhoses - they are like the sonhos, but made with pumpkin
- bolo de Natal - Christmas cake
- pudim de Natal - Christmas pudding, similar to flan
- Massa de Filhos A Christmas doughnut traditionally left to rise whilst the family attend Midnight mass
- Leite Creme - a creamy Christmas dessert
- sopa dourada - Golden Soup – which is actually a dessert not a soup.
- mexidos - another dessert from the North of Portugal. This looks very simple to make!
- arroz doce - sweet rice pudding – yes, a favourite at Christmas time too.
- vinho quente - eggnog made with boiled wine, egg yolk, sugar and cinnamon
- just a lot of wine
Cabrito assado
Cabrito assado (3a) |
For 6-8 persons / para 6-8 pessoas
- 1,5 kg of kid goat / 1,5 kg de cabrito
- 1 big tablespoon of ground pepper / 1 colher de sopa bem cheia de massa de pimentão
- 4 cloves of garlic / 4 dentes de alho picados
- 3 bay leaves / 3 folhas de louro
- 1 onion cut to half moons / 1 cebola cortada em rodelas meia-lua
- sprigs of parsley / raminhos de salsa
- 500 ml of white wine / 500 ml de vinho branco
- salt / sal q.b.
- pepper / pimenta q.b.
- 1 kg of potatoes for roasting / 1 kg de batatinhas para assar
- 30 ml of olive oil / 30 ml de azeite
- 2 tablespoons of lard / 2 colheres de sopa de banha
- 200 ml of broth / 200 ml de caldo de carne
Flavor the goat in a bowl with salt, pepper, garlic and ground pepper. Mix it all. Add the bat leaves, onion, and sprigs of parsley. Drizzle it all with white wine and store it in fridge for one day.
The next day, flavor potatoes with salt, pepper and half of olive oil. Mix it all.
In a baking tray, place to the bottom sprigs of parsley, onion and bay leaves. To the top put the meat and spread the potatoes around the meat. Drizzle everything with the marinade of the meat, broth and the rest of olive oil. To the top scatter the bits of lard.
Leave it to the oven with 200º during 1 hour and 10 minutes. In the middle, turn the meat to be roasted from both sides.
When the goat is roasted, add greens and serve.
Numa tigela, tempere o cabrito com sal, pimenta, os alhos picados e a massa de pimentão. Misture tudo. Junte as folhas de louro, as rodelas de cebola e os raminhos de salsa. Regue tudo com o vinho branco e guarde no frigorífico de um dia para o outro.
No dia seguinte, tempere as batatas com sal, pimenta e metade do azeite. Misture tudo.
Num tabuleiro de ir ao forno, coloque no fundo os raminhos de salsa, a cebola e as folhas de louro. Por cima, coloque a carne e à volta da carne espalhe as batatas. Regue tudo com o marinado da carne, o caldo de carne e o restante azeite. Por cima, espalhe pedacinhos de banha.
Leve ao forno pré-aquecidos nos 200º durante 1 hora e 10 minutos.
A meio do tempo, vire a carne para ficar loira de ambos os lados.
Depois do cabrito assado, acompanhe com grelos e sirva.
- 125 ml of water / 125 ml de água
- 125 ml of milk / 125 ml de leite
- 50 g of margarine / 50g de margarina
- 1 lemon peel / uma casca de limão
- pinch of salt / uma pitada de sal
- 150 g of flour / 150g de farinha
- 4 eggs / 4 ovos
- oil for frying / óleo para fritar
- sugar / açúcar q.b.
- ground cinnamon / Canela em pó q.b.
Put the water with milk, lemon peel, salt and margarine to the fire. Let it boil. When it starts boiling, take it from the fire, add the flour at once and stir well until it forms a ball that peel off the bottom of the pan. After the dough ball formed, place in a bowl, remove the lemon zest and let it cool slightly.
Add the eggs one by one and mix it very well with wooden spoon between each addition. Mix it until the mass is homogeneous.
With two spoons, form the balls of the mass, not very big because their volume will triple. Fry the balls in hot oil, keeping the fire all the time mild. Pike the sonhos at times with fork or toothpick. Fry them until their size has tripled and they are golden. After frying, put them to the absorbent paper.
Meanwhile mix the sugar with cinnamon as you like. After frying roll the balls in mixture of sugar and cinnamon and put them to the plate.
Num tacho, leve ao lume a água, o leite, a casca de limão, a pitada de sal e a margarina.
Deixe ferver. Logo que comece a ferver, junte a farinha de uma só vez e mexa muito bem até formar uma bola que descole do fundo do tacho. Depois da bola de massa formada, coloque numa tigela, retire a casca de limão e deixe arrefecer um pouco.
Junte os ovos um a um e mexa muito bem com a colher de pau entre cada adição.
Mexa até a massa ficar homogênea.
Com a ajuda de duas colheres, faça bolas de massa, não muito grandes pois o seu volume irá triplicar. Frite em óleo quente, mantendo sempre o lume brando. Pique os sonhos de vez em quando com um garfo ou palito. Deixe fritar até triplicarem de tamanho e ficarem loirinhos. Depois de fritos, retire-os para um prato com papel absorvente.
Entretanto misture o açúcar com a canela a gosto. Depois de fritos passe os sonhos pela mistura do açúcar e canela e coloque-os num prato de bolo.
Vinho quente
- 6 eggs / 6 ovos
- 1 litre of water / 1 l de água
- 250 g of sugar / 250 g de açúcar
- 2,5 dl red green wine / 2,5 dl de vinho verde tinto
- 2,5 dl red Madeira wine or Moscatel / 2,5 dl de vinho Madeira tinto ou Moscatel
- 2,5 dl Porto wine (red and sweet) / 2,5 dl de vinho do Porto (tinto doce)
- crusty bread / pão duro
- salt / sal
Beat the egg yolks with sugar until they obtain a good eggnog. Meanwhile, put water with a little bit salt to the fire. Let it boil. Then remove it from the fire, add the green wine and Madeira wine (or moscatel) and put it again to the fire to boil.
After that, add the liquid little by little to the eggs. Put it again to the fire and boil it. The eggs will be well cooked. Take it from the fire, add the Porto wine. Mix it and if necessary add a little bit more sugar.
At the time of serving, heat the wine in a water bath and serve in the cups with small pieces of bread.
Batem-se as gemas com açúcar até se obter uma boagemada. Entretanto, leva-se ao lume 1 l de água a que se juntam umas pedrinhas de sal. Deixa-se levantar fervura. Retira-se do calor, juntam-se os vinhos verde
e Madeira (ou moscatel) e leva-se novamente ao lume para levantar fervura.
Depois, adiciona-se o líquido, a pouco e pouco, à gemada. Volta a ir ao lume apenas para ferver. Os ovos ficaram assim cozidos. Fora do calor, adiciona-se o vinho do Porto que já não vai ao lume. Mexe-se e, se for necessário, junta-se um pouco mais de açúcar.
Na altura de servir, aquece-se o vinho em banho-maria e serve-se em chávenas com bocadinhos de pão fazendo sopas.
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